Nasruddin Safaat H, Pemograman Aplikasi Mobile Smartphone Dan Tablet PC Berbasis Android, Informatika Bandung, Bandung, 2015.įikri Rijul, dkk., Pemrograman Java, Andi, Yogyakarta, 2005.Pseudocode for student grades. Margaritis ,Experimental Studyon Variants of the Zhu-Takaoka String Matching Algorithm, Department of Applied Informatics, University of Macedonia, Thessaloniki, Greece 2009.

Download for offline reading, highlight, bookmark or take notes while you read Materi Praktikum Algoritma & Pemrograman Menggunakan Java. Read this book using Google Play Books app on your PC, android, iOS devices. Journalof Global Researchin Computer Science5(1):8-11.(Online) (4 Januari 2016)ĭ.Michailidis & KonstantinosG. Materi Praktikum Algoritma & Pemrograman Menggunakan Java - Ebook written by Muhammad Affandes.

Muhammad Zarlis dan Handrizal, Algoritma Dan Pemrograman, USU Press, Medan, 2007.īhandari,J&Kumar,A.2014.StringMatchingRulesUsed by VariantofBoyer- Moore Algorithm. Rosleny Marliani, Psikologi Industri & Organisasi, Pustaka Setia, Bandung, 2015. Kita bisa menampilkan teks pada Java menggunakan Kode (). The core process of the zhu-takaoka algorithm is to do a word search with the Right-to-left scan rule technique.Īhmad Iskak, Tataran Semenjana untuk SMK dan MAK Kelas X, Erlangga, Jakarta, 2008. Langsung saja inilah contoh-contoh dasar bahasa pemrograman Java yang bisa kamu coba praktekan menggunakan IDE Netbeans, Eclipse atau yang lainnya. The zhu-takaoka algorithm is one of the string matching algorithms that can do a word search with many shifts with an array of 2 (two) dimensions. To overcome the above problems the writer applies the zhu-takaoka algorithm. R.H.Sianipar, Pemrograman Java Untuk Programer, PENERBIT ANDI, 2015. The author considers the search process using sequential search to be a problem because it has to do one by one matching of each character in the array elements which causes a long time needed in word search. R.H Sianipar, Java: Teori, Algoritma, dan Aplikasi, PENERBITANDI, 2014. Sequential search algorithm is a data search technique in an array of 1 (one) dimension that will trace all array elements from beginning to end, where data does not need to be sorted first.

In previous studies, AsepIrnaYuliana developed a dictionary application for the term psychology based on mobile psychology by applying a sequential search algorithm. This is the reason for gayo people who live outside the gayo area to have a dictionary of the terms gayo language to make it easier for them to understand the meaning of the gayo language when they return to the gayo area. The number of Gayo tribes who migrate and marry other tribes has resulted in many children of their descendants not understanding gayo language, so many of the descendants of the Gayo tribe do not understand Gayo language because in their daily lives they do not speak gayo but speak Malay Indonesia. The dictionary serves as a person's tool to understand the meaning of words or new terms. Dictionary is a reference book that contains words and expressions which are usually arranged alphabetically and contain meaning and meaning.