Click the Style dropdown to find APA 7th from the Choose A Style box, click Choose.We use APA 7th and EndNote X9 to show you how to find a style in EndNote or add a style to EndNote: When using EndNote, you can select the style required for your research. Remove " -converted" from the file name of the converted library and its data folder to ensure the file names are exactly the same as the original libraryĮndNote offers more than 6,000 referencing styles.Delete your original library and its data folder.Check and ensure the converted library works as it should be (it should have a data folder with the same file name and PDF documents in your library should be able to read, etc.).Save the converted library (the file name will include " -converted" generated by EndNote) to the same location of your existing library.When opening an existing EndNote library with a version lower than X9.3 or later versions, you may encounter a message as seen below asking you to convert your library. Click OK to create a converted library that will work in X9.3 and later versions.Open an Existing Library with a version lower than EndNote X9.3 or later versions

Storing and editing libraries on a network drive can lead to corruption and performance issues